Sunday, March 1, 2009


Not so good at this updating thing. There's a lot of pressure to make sure that every blog I post on this thing has some deep meaning to it and that everybody who reads comes away with a new outlook on life, right?

Well I hope I don't disappoint.

Last week was Piper tour. Wow. What all could I say about Piper tour....
This years tour was a lot different than last years. Mainly because the majority of our performances were actually workshops for middle and high school students. Since Pipers is a children's theater group...the responses varied. Some of them really embraced the fact that to make a child smile all you have to do is act incredibly ridiculous, while others simply stared at us in disgust with their "too cool for school" attitudes. Some highlights from the tour include...a second grader informing me that my voice was "funny sounding," my very first trip to Braums, watching a sixth grader run straight into the back of Brian-bouncing off-and falling to the pavement, and getting hypnotized on the way home from Memphis, thank you Derek Tucker.

Now it's the last week of school before spring break! Which as exciting as it also scary. Because it means I'm getting closer and closer to living in Greece for 3 months...and that brings up all kinds of emotions.

On to the title of my blog...I'm sick, and have been since Friday afternoon. I have a ton of drainage in the back of my throat, which yields an extremely painful throat and sinus pressure headache. Its awesome...and by awesome I mean awful. But I got to see somebody tonight and she made it a whole lot better. =)


  1. dear seth
    good post ;-)
    not all posts have to be deep and meaningful silly. a couple of my past ones have been like...three lines. haha


    hope you feel lots better soon!!!

  2. Seth B! I didn't know you had a blog. But I am now happy that you do! Yay!!!! I'm glad you're feeling better now though. And I'm sad that you aren't coming with us for Spring break, but I AM happy that you are going to Legally Blonde. :)
